
Wednesday 11 January 2012

Some advice for tenants...just to be fair!

Before you ask, no I did not die, nor did I go to hospital or even on holiday...I just have not had anything of value to add to your cluttered minds, and as the old saying goes, " Rather keep you mouth shut and let others think you are stupid, than open it and remove all doubt!"

Anyway, I finally have something of value to discuss today...well, I think it's important anyway. Several of my friends are tenants, either in business premises or residential properties. As you can imagine, they always have loads of questions for me, most very mundane and not worth going into here. But one particular question has come up several times and I was concerned at the lack of knowledge of the public, and because of this ignorance how they are being ripped off by my nemeses, the unscrupulous estate agents in Zimbabwe.

The question is...Is it right that the estate agent is charging VAT on top of the rental price stated on the lease agreement? Ok, so go and have a look at your lease. If it says x amount per month excluding VAT then, yes you need to pay VAT on top. But this scenario is very unusual as all prices in Zimbabwe are generally quoted including VAT. If the lease does not state whether the VAT is included or excluded, then it is assumed to be included, again, as this is the standard procedure for prices in Zimbabwe.

If you are being asked to pay for VAT on top of the rental and it does not clearly state the VAT is excluded from the price on your lease, then the simplest thing to do is to refuse to pay it. The estate agent trying to pull a fast one on you, is hoping to get more rent for his landlord, and more commission in his pocket.

Here are the things which you are, by statutory law expected to pay as a tenant:
1. Phone Bills
2. Electricity
3. Water Bills
4. Garden and pool maintenance
5. House cleaning
6. Insurance of household contents

More often nowadays, the tenant will also be responsible for the rates or levies on the rented property. This is perfectly acceptable, provided that this clause is in your lease. If it is not, then you are within your rights to ask the landlord to pay the rates and/or levies.

The landlord should pay for all structural defects and defects in fittings, like pool pumps, borehole motors, geysers, as well as insurance of the property and buildings. However, if you have signed a full insurance, repairs and maintenance lease (otherwise known as FRI lease) then you will be responsible for all costs associated with the property. If you do have such a lease, then your rental should be below the going market rate for a similar property as the one you are leasing.

Don't get caught by estate agents preying on you ignorance. Always have someone in the know check over your lease BEFORE you sign it. You can also insist on the rental price being inclusive of VAT so that there are no hidden expenses.

Visit my website http://www.pageproperties.co.zw for a look at the properties on offer. You can also leave me a message and I will be sure to get back to you.

1 comment:

  1. there is not found any signature and office stamp of the concerned responsible officer of the department of the Excise & Taxation Rawalpindi.. rental home management companies
